Depending on the circumstances, a case may have attached to specific Counts on a Complaint, Enhancements. These can range from weight enhancements for narcotics, to gun enhancements attached to crimes of violence such as robbery, or gang enhancements done at the direction, in association, or for the benefit of a criminal street gang (PC 186.22(a)/(b)),
These enhancements can add years of prison exposure, and mandate minimum sentencing stays such as serving 85% of a sentence before parole eligibility. These enhancements can make negotiations far more complex and difficult. Many require legal research and potentially investigative resources to defend.
Changes in the law have benefitted the accused in many instances (such as robust requirements for PC 186.22(a)/(b) cases, limitations on expert testimony and expert reliance in this area, and expanded interpretations of judicial powers under PC 1385). Nonetheless, an attorney with decades of experience in this area is an ally that should be considered.